Birth Trauma Mentoring
Birth trauma occurs when birth has been a frightening, traumatic and negative experience.
The symptoms of birth trauma can vary but can include flashbacks, nightmares, anxiety, panic attacks, guilt, anger, sadness, depression, difficulty bonding with baby, difficulty relating to partner, and in many cases these symptoms can ripple out into every aspect of life, and even cause future family plans to be placed firmly on hold.
This form of PTSD can affect both mums, dads and birth workers.
A birth experience that was frightening to both or either parent and that is usually coupled with a loss of control, can lead to birth trauma.
This could be because labour was long or full of intervention or perhaps because of medical problems that unexpectedly occurred. If a birth takes an unexpected turn, it can feel traumatic, especially if parents feel that the situation or options available weren’t properly explained or if they feel that what was happening was completely out of their control.
A birth where parents have feared for their life or their babies can also be a very frightening experience. Similarly, if injury or even death has occurred because of the experience, then this can also lead to birth trauma.

What Treatment Is Available?
A birth debriefing session can provide a safe space for parents to tell their story and is the first step to understanding what happened and what course of further action to take, if appropriate.
The Treatment involves three stages:
Deep Relaxation
Recalling the event in a specific way whilst feeling safe and secure
Imagining coping in the future and responding differently
The 3-step rewind technique is a very effective and well tested technique that neutralises the disturbing feelings associated with birth trauma. The memory of what happened still exists, but it no longer provokes anxiety, panic, guilt, anger or sadness allowing the person to move forward with their life.
Lastly the sessions can help restore feelings of calm and confidence to someone who has been plagued with the anxiety associated with birth trauma.

Your Investment
In most cases, two, (on occasion three) sessions are enough for people for feel a significant difference and reduction in their symptoms.
This treatment is equally effective 3 months after the event as it is 3 years or even longer after the event. If PTSD symptoms are still evident then the treatment is useful in eliminating them.
£150.00 in total